Mr Raines

Mr. Raines is a shadowy, high-level operative within “The Centre”. A former psychiatrist at “The Centre” (he was referred to as Dr. Billy by young Centre residents), Dr. William Raines worked with Sydney on the Pretender project until his license was revoked. 
Mr. Raines conducted his own Pretender experiments within SL-27. His pet project was turning Jarod's brother Kyle into a sociopath. Another of his projects was the savant Angelo, whom he offered as assistance in the hunt for Jarod.
His new project was making a clone of Jarod, whom he lost before giving him to the Triumvirate.




Vania's bookshelf: read

The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...

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