
Brigitte appeared with Lyle in the beginning of the second Season, during Mr. Parker's absence. She's a cleaner and assassin brought in by the Tower and, if you see her, you'll also see a lollypop. A rival operative to Miss Parker, Brigitte will do whatever it takes to complete her assignments. She reports directly to Mr. Lyle.
When she appeared again, after Mr. Lyle's punishment by the Yakusa, she tried to murder Mr. Parker and went to a fight with Miss Parker, with the last one being the strong of the two, despite her arm being wound with a gunshot.
She was also in the T-Board, when Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots were interrogated by Mr. Raines and her. She then, made a deal with Argyle, but Jarod managed to escape.
Brigitte only appeared again (with brown hair) in the Season three, when we know that Mr. Parker was getting married to Brigitte! She hired a Chinese blind man, Mr. Lee, in order to capture Jarod, but her plans didn't succeed.
Brigitte was also present during Miss Parker's meeting with Thomas in the gas station. She ordered Miss Parker to never see him again until a complete background check was done, but of course, this event only made Miss Parker want to see him even more.
The wedding day arrives and Miss Parker discovers that Brigitte lied to her father saying she was infertile. Miss Parker wasn't capable of saying this to her father, but she warns Brigitte that she knows that she faked her medical records.
Brigitte didn't like Miss Parker's decision to leave The Centre, so, after Thomas death, she went to her house with Mr. Parker and began saying that she didn't believed her story. The conversation ends with Miss Parker beginning a fight between the two, but the detective arrives and they stop. The detective says "Is always good to have family in time we need." (or something like that)
The "best" surprise was to come, when Mr. Parker wants his daughter to talk to Brigitte due to her constantly mood changes. Miss Parker finds her injecting herself with something, so she talks to Broots to see what was in the syringe. During the operation in Mr. Parker's bathroom, Broots ends locked in the shower and sees Brigitte with someone in the office. The other someone was Lyle and they weren't exactly chatting. Brigitte's words were "Sometimes a girl has to do, what a girl has to do." Broots managed to call Miss Parker for help. When Miss Parker was about to tell what was happening to her father, Sydney and Broots tell her that the syringe had a fertility drug. When she enters her father's office again, she learns that Brigitte is pregnant.
Brigitte knew what Project Gemini was and handled Major Charles during his time in The Centre. After Jarod called telling where and when the trade would take place, Raines told Willie that he needed their best sharpshooter and that Mr. Parker was usefulness to them. Brigitte heard this and went to Miss Parker's office telling her that they needed to "do this together". She seemed to really cared about Mr. Parker's life this time. So, they follow Sydney, and after Miss Parker gets shot, trying to protect her father, Brigitte tries to capture Jarod (needless to say, she failed, once again). When Jarod falls from his motorcycle, Brigitte is there, with Raines and Lyle, to get him back.
In Season 4, she only appears in "Til Death Do Us Part", because she has been taken to somewhere safe to have the baby by Mr. Parker. This episode takes place one year after Thomas' death and Miss Parker is trying (again) to find who killed him.
Mr. Parker appears again in Miss Parker's house and Brigitte is there too, taking a shower. She is very pregnant and the birth is for soon. When Miss Parker asks her father what "rumor 58259" is he says he doesn't know, but Brigitte says it is a code name for an operative and a digital wire tape. The code numbers end to be a conversation between Jarod and Thomas - they were friends! Jarod calls Miss Parker and tells her that "rumor" killed Thomas and that "rumors can kill you". Later, someone gives Miss Parker the Z-3 file and in there is rumor's identity. Miss Parker finds that Brigitte is "rumor" and she heads to kill her.
When she reaches the cabin where Brigitte is, she finds her "in the throes of childbirth". Brigitte tells Miss Parker that she was following orders and that someone thought she was losing focus. Miss Parker is delivering the baby, but Brigitte is dying - she has a medical disorder and will bleed to death. Brigitte apologizes to Miss Parker, and when the baby is born, she dies. Mr. Parker arrives with Mr. Cox (who is actually Dr. Cox) and burn the cabin with Brigitte's body in it. Before they destroy the house, Cox puts a gun in Brigitte's hand so that she will be framed of Mutumbo's murderer.
Mr. Parker doesn't even care to know if the baby is a boy or a girl, and only says that "rumor" was trying to set him up.




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The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...

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