
"The Pretender Lives" - SLM

To those who visit:

I recently been nominated co-administrator of the Pretender page on Facebook and I've been doing some interviews with cast and crew from the Pretender. If you're a fan, I'm sure you've noticed the recent buzz about a new Pretender comeback.

Steven Long Mitchel stated in the interview that "the Pretender lives" and that their biggest project for the future was the Pretender. You can read all the interviews and join the discussion here:https://www.facebook.com/ThePretenderFans

I've archived the interviews for future reference also in this site, in the press area.




by Marlon @ 23 Oct 2015 04:57 pm
A point I found most admirable with this story was that Vania true poasisn was priceless to others. She asked nothing in return from those she helped just having the self satisfaction of seeing them succeed when most often due to their surcomstances they would remained on an impoverished path in life. I was once asked "If you could follow your dream and do anything you wanted to do what would it be?" My poasisn and dream was to build AFORDABLE housing for people trully in need. Nothing fancy yet something they could have suitable living conditions and aford to buy. My answer was quickly replied to in this manner. "If you do that how will you make money, pay your bills and put your kids in collage." Discouaging at best. I have since begun to surround myself with people that support the paths I wish to travel.

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