
Who will wear the badge?

While the Centre Universe rises and we await the arrival of the first book "Rebirth", we've come up with a handy badge that you can use on facebook and twitter, so you could be the messenger of this awesome news.

It's pretty easy and you'll end up with a profile pic like mine.

1. go here http://www.picbadges.com/thepretenderlives-com/3330700/

2. login with your facebook account and click "add to your picture"

3. follow the instructions (you can resize the badge to your liking)

4. save the badge to your profile on fb and twitter as well. You can restart the process and add the badge to your cover picture as well.

5. invite all your friends to do the same! :D




by Gilannk @ 23 Oct 2015 05:07 pm
Samantha, I don't know if I have a passion. Can that be true? I have a drive to do many thgnis that help people or myslef but my main drive is directed to my children, I would do anything for them. But that is natural. I would almost say my biggest passion is clearing ignorance. There is no need to hate for unproven or unreasonable reasons. Unfortunately, I believe our human brains will always find a way to hate, suppress and fight, out of ignorance. So I start with my own children and branch out from there. I wish more people would open their eyes, minds and hearts to see beauty and giving instead of greed and hurt. ~Allie My recent post

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