S#4: Angel's Flight (403)


Jarod finds a man that is desperately searching for his daughter, Jessica. Pretending to be a detective, Jarod starts to actively participate in that search, because the police has already dropped it. Jessica likes angels very much, and that passion grew after her mother's death (she died holding a necklace with an angel pendant). In her house, he finds a card with a figure and the name "Gates of Hell".

Jarod is also working in a wax museum. While he finishes a faceless figure to send to The Centre, the museum owner shows up and gives him oisters (this kind only existes in that bay). Jarod likes them and drops some of their water in the card that goes with the head.The paper says "Beware of strangers bearing gifts." Then, he shows the man the card he found at Jessica's. It affects him very much, because the symbol in the card was used by germans in concentration fields, where he was.

Jarod goes to "Gates of Hell" with the card and watchs Bob's session with a group of people. He seems to guess what goes in their souls and demonstrates that. Jarod introduces himself to Bob and he does a demonstration himself of his magic powers.

At The Centre, Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots receive Jarod's package. It's a wax head withput a face. Broots also informs Miss Parker that Mr. Lyle was given cigarrs and champagne from some West Coast hot shot. They question themselves what is Jarod up to.

Jarod continues to investigate the group to which Jesse belonged. Bob is thinking of doing a special jump ("Angel's Flight"). Hudini tried, in vain, to execute this jump, but Bob thinks he's able to do it. One of his partners doesn't seem very comfortable with this subject and Jarod takes advantage of this.

Later on, Jarod finds proofs that Bob is a liar in his computer. It seems that Bob wanted to steal all the money he could from his followers, leading them to believe in what he did/said. He only knew what he did in about their lives, because he had files about them. Jarod also finds Jessica, after being trown off the roof by Bob and uses his friend to help him.

At The Centre, Broots finds where Jarod is after analising the cards he sent them. Reaching the museum, the owner indicates a new exhibition Jarod made while he was with him, called "The Centre of Shame". When Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney reach there, they are surprised to find representations of themselves. There is one head missing, and when Miss Parker puts the head (complete) Jarod gave them in the place, their heads are cut off by the man they are yet to know.

Ready for the "Angel's Flight", Bob is confronted by what Jarod says about him to the group. Jarod trapps him, but Bob still jumps (without the safety cable). However, Jarod put something in the floot that avoids Bob to kill himself.

Mr. Lyle introduces Mr. Cox to Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots. When talking about his identity, they reach the conclusion that Jarod was trying to warn them about Cox's arrival to The Centre, saying that he was the grim reaper.

Jessica goes back home with her father and gives Jarod the necklace that always protected her.




Vania's bookshelf: read

The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...


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