S#4: Rules Of Engagement (408)


The episode begins with Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots tracking Jarod. When they are ready to leave, Miss Parker receives a call from her father, asking her to meet him. Raines shows up and gives a prayer card to Miss Parker. Sydney and Broots ask her if she's not going with them and she asks them to lie for her, because she'll need a few hours.

In Fletcher Ridge, Illinois, a boy is telling Jarod that he won the car he is playing with, with the money from the "tooth fairy". Jarod learns that children get money from the "fairy" when they put their baby teeth under their pillows.

Outside of a mortuary house, in the other side of the street, Jarod watches as two men (Cam and Billy Larsen) argue with a woman (Sarah Larsen). Billy and Cam get in a car full of guns and tell Sarah that they are going to the hospital. Sarah goes to a phone booth, but it is out of order. So, Jarod borrows her his cell phone. She warns someone that her brothers are going to the hospital with guns and, when she finishes the phone call and wants to give the cell phone back to Jarod, he is gone.

Outside the hospital, the police is getting ready to enter the building. At the same time, the brothers are holding two nurses and some patients hostages. Their father is also in the room. Still in the outside and while the cop in charge of the operation asks if he can get a clear shot at one of the brothers, Jarod arrives and informs him that he is the FBI negotiator and that he is in charge now.

In the inside, the deputy is telling Jarod what gun Billy (21) and Cam (28) have. Jarod asks that their sister be brought to the hospital immediately. Jarod questions the brothers what they want and they answer him that they want exactly $41 342.17. During all that, the sheriff is pretty hostile to Jarod.

Then, Jarod asks for a direct phone line to the room where the brothers are, as well as the hospital's blueprints. Jarod also wants some equipment that would allow him to know what happens in the room.

In the place her father told her to meet him (a junkyard), Miss Parker walks among several homeless people, until her father pulls her into an abandoned bus. He tells her that he has been hiding and, then, he gives her a key that should open a box, that has money in it, in SL-22. Miss Parker's cell phone rings and it's Broots. He tells her that Jarod didn't show up at that job and that Lyle is crazy looking for her. Miss Parker says that she'll be at The Centre as soon as she can. When she turns around to face her father again, he isn't there (makes me remember someone I know. LOL).

At the hospital, Jarod is talking to two of the last persons to talk to the brothers before they made hostages - the administrator, Rebecca Simmons, and chief cardiologist, Dr. Steven Franklin. The doctor explains to Jarod that their father has a heart condition, but that it isn't fatal. They say that they don't know what the money they asked for means. Jarod sees Sarah and approaches her.

Sarah tells Jarod that her mother died shortly after being sent home by this same hospital, despite being very sick. She also says that she knows that her brothers are doing the wrong thing but that they're doing it for the right reasons, and that she's not going to help Jarod kill them. Sarah gives him his cell phone again and leaves. The deputy gives Jarod the equipment he asked for.

Inside the hospital bedroom, Billy and Cam don't know what to do. with their father are also in the room two nurses and two other patients.

Jarod builds a remote controlled car with a camera and a microphone. Then, he places it in the vents, near the room, with the help from the blueprints. The sheriff wants to know what's going inside and if he can get a clear shot. Jarod tells him that his job is to assure the safety of the persons inside the room, but he defends himself saying that if an innocent dies, it will be his responsibility.

While Jarod is watching a conversation between the Larsen brother and their father, the sheriff turns off the lights and the air conditioning in the room. Jarod negotiates with them, using the existing phone line. During the talk, in which Jarod promises to turn on the air conditioning and the lights if they give him some hostages, one of the men from the sheriff shoots. Jarod argues with him for letting that happen. The sheriff says that Cam cannot be trusted, for he caused a riot, when in prison. Jarod explains him that the guards were convicted for excessive brutality. Then, he speaks with Cam again and asks to talk to him in the room. Cam agrees and, moments later, two children arrive to the hospital.

In SL-22, Miss Parker find the box her father asked her to, but the key he gave her doesn't work. Broots calls her again and says that there is this case in Illinois that seems like the sort of thing that would get Jarod's attention. Miss Parker tells him to get ready and that she'll be back as soon as possible. Broots is fearful because of Lyle, that walks near him with two oriental women. Miss Parker takes the box with her.

Jarod speaks to Cam's children that tell him that they heard their father screaming the night before. He was saying that they would send grandpa home to die, just like it happened with grandma. Jarod also notices that the youngest child has lost a tooth and he offers him $5.

Inside the hospital's room, Jarod tries to understand why Cam and Billy are doing that. One of the patients starts to feel sick and Jarod asks Cam to let her leave. He also shows him his son's tooth, saying that he's still in time to put the money under his son's pillow. Cam agrees in letting one hostage go. The sheriff is still intended on shooting Cam. He leaves and the deputy talks to Jarod.

Meanwhile, Cam speaks with one of the nurses and his father stops breathing. The doctor next to Jarod refuses to get into that room and Jarod ends up being the one to stabilize their father's condition. The sheriff is trying to get a better view of the room, using the car with the camera, but he throws the car into the room. Despite the confusion, Cam lets the younger nurse get out. Obviously, Jarod is mad with the sheriff, because he almost got him killed. When they are finished arguing, the sheriff calls the FBI offices in Chicago.

Mr. Lyle is in his sister's office when Sydney and Broots arrive. Sydney says that he's not going to find Miss Parker that way. Lyle asks them if they would lie to him and, while Sydney doesn't answer, Broots asks if anyone watched the football game that weekend.

Jarod find Jake Larsen's medical file and sees that his doctor is Steve Franklin. Then, he confronts him with the fact that the HMO counts with his opinion regarding surgeries. This hospital denies 11% plus than all the others. Franklin says that they don't do as much surgeries as other hospitals because people are healthier, but when Jarod leaves he calls someone.

Jarod tells the sheriff that the money Billy and Cam are asking for is the exact quantity for a by-pass, also informing him that their father can have an heart attack without the surgery that the hospital has denied. The sheriff asks Jarod who is he, 'cause he called the FBI and they never heard of him. Jarod defends himself saying that the FBI is a big place and that he mustn't have talked with the right person. Then, Jarod says that he knows about a situation, in which a young man of 15 died, due to the sheriff's hesitation. Jarod watches as Dr. Franklin talks to Rebecca Simmons in the parking lot. Jarod runs and stops her before she gets in her car. She confesses him that Steve has been denying surgeries because by doing that he would be saving money to the HMO and would be filling his pockets during the process. The reason why she didn't tell anything was because she was having an affair with him.

In the junkyard, Miss Parker meets her father again, and tells him that the key he gave her doesn't work. He pulls out the right one and opens it. Inside, there is money, certificates and an envelope which is labeled "Medical Records -- Baby Parker". Miss Parker asks her if it has something to do with her and wants to know what is inside it. Mr. Parker tells her that it is ancient history and asks her for her gun. Miss Parker questions him is he knows who is the hit man hired to kill him and he says that he doesn't, showing her a picture of the unborn baby. He also says that the baby is all that matters; he is the heir to the "Parker" name. Miss Parker asks him if there is anything else she can do and he tells her that the key is still Jarod: when she brings him back, everything will be like it was before. Mr. Parker leaves her standing there in the bus. She answers the phone and says she's on her way.

Jarod prepares everything to catch Steve Franklin and attracts him to his office. When the doctor starts working on his computer (which keyboard is infected with something), Jarod enters the office, saying that the Larsen brothers shot him. The doctor starts feeling sick, with chest pain, and Jarod explains him that it was something he put on the keyboard and that he is having an heart attack. That makes the doctor confess his crimes.

The police takes the doctor away and Jarod says that he's not really having an heart attack. The sheriff says that he's going to drop some charges against the Larsen. When Jarod is almost leaving, he spots Miss Parker, Lyle, Sydney and Broots and disappears. Miss Parker tells one of the FBI agents that they are from the "Blue Cove Gazette" and he tells them that the man posing as an FBI agent knew what he was doing. Lyle informs Miss Parker that she's going to be held responsible for the loss of Jarod again, while she remembers her meeting with her father.




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The Pretender - Rebirth
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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...


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