
Vote now to pick the cover of Saving Luke

Steven and Craig are requesting all the help from Pretender fans in order to choose the cover for the next Pretender book Saving Luke.

Head over here, on thepretenderlives.com and vote now for your favorite cover. The winner artwork will be the cover of Saving Luke.

You can vote once a day, so vote often! Voting ends March 5th.




by Briel @ 23 Oct 2015 05:33 pm
It's so true, Roberta! Imagine how many times this kids have been overlooked and cinuonte to be overlooked in other parts of the country and the world. Their potential is lost only become of their socioeconomic status. I love the conclusion you made. There's value to be found in each and every human being on this planet. =) Thanks for identifying with me, Roberta! =)

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After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...


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