TNT Yahoo Audio Chat - 01/22/01

moderator_tnt1 Welcome to TNT's Pretender chat, featuring the stars of the series and Welcome to TNT's Pretender chat, featuring the stars of the series and TNT's upcoming feature-length film, THE PRETENDER 2001, Michael T. Weiss and Andrea Parker. Get those questions ready!

guest_tnt2 Michael: Hello everyone in Cyberland.

moderator_tnt1 Let me take a moment to introduce our chat team.

Chickydoodles Mike and Andrea, When did you first find out about all the hard work the Pretender fans put into saving the show? (p.s. WE LOVE TNT!)

guest_tnt2 Michael: We pretty much found out in the first four weeks of the show after the show was cancelled on NBC, but we were all blown away by the unbelieve support of our fans.

guest_tnt2 Especially over the internet the campaign over the internet, NBC and CNN were enandated with emails and that was a very nice testimony to hard work.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Sounds good Michael.

linnaway Michael and Andrea do you find that when acting in The Pretender you mostly draw on personnal experience, acting training, or instincts for your role?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: All of the above. I say a combination of all three.

guest_tnt2 Michael: A lot of times its just gas.

guest_tnt2 Michael: The truth is that Andy and I love each other we just play rivals on t.v.

AutumnFlower2001 Andrea, what is it like working with Michael?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: A genuine pleasure. Michael is a lot of fun. Very professional and at times

guest_tnt2 terrible unprofessional in the most necessary of moments after a 14 hour day.

guest_tnt2 Michael's humor got me through many a morning.

Chickydoodles Michael and Andrea, What's the best part about seeing The Pretender continuing?

guest_tnt2 Michael: We are very fortunate that we have all loved working together.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: The best thing is comradery

guest_tnt2 Michael: It is a well oiled machine and we are thrilled to be doing more.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: My sentiments exactly.

Chickydoodles Michael and Andrea, What do you like best about your respective characters?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Well I have the most fun because I get to play the bad guy.

guest_tnt2 Its a dream come true. I have these really objective moments on set, but the crew will be runnign around preparing a shot and setting up and sometimes I step back and am so overwhelmed be doing what I do; 60 people are runnign around doing the best at what they do, so in the next few minutes I can do what I loved to do for a living.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: My character - I get paid to be evil, that's pretty cool.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I think the best thing about Jared because he gets to be so many different people.

guest_tnt2 I think Jared playing himself he is such a lost lonely soul.

guest_tnt2 If the world knew how many talented people make this happen. LIghting, sound and they are the best.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: That is what I was trying to say, we are veyr privileged.

White_Stix Michael, do you think that once Jarod finds his family and is able to settle down that he'll be bored being the same "person" day after day?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I don't think Jared will ever allow himself to find himself, Jared has taught everyone to have fun, be true to himself.

guest_tnt2 True for what he believes in.

scroyal2001 Andrea, what is your favorite Pretender episode?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Geez I only get one.

moderator_tnt4 Immediately following our chat, at 8 p.m. et, tune in for the world premiere of the movie you've been waiting for: THE PRETENDER 2001.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: You know I almost want to say Keys. Trapped in the hurricane together.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We don't get to work together much.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Til Death Do Us Part, Toy Surprise that was really physical and a lot of fun. I don't know one of those three.

connyxx Was it hard to prepare for all the different roles?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I had so much help with so many really talented peple and the internet is such a great reseach tool and I had so many advisors to help me through it.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I had a lot of help, but again it was a lot of fun hard work, so I was thrilled in this role.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: We were challeneged not complacent at all.

guest_tnt2 Michael: This show is like the little fire engine that could. Now it is like 36 countries around the world, just astounding.

linnaway Andrea Parker Do you even know your characters first name yet?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: If I did I wouldn't tell you.

moderator_tnt4 There are a lot of Pretender fans out there and a lot of excellent questions on deck. Remember, you can test your Pretender trivia skill and your Centre savvy in our online contest at Enter to win a genuine red notebook!

iluvpretender2 If TNT does more movies, what do the two of you want to see happen?

guest_tnt2 Michael: If TNT does more movies then it will be thanks to the fans. They have taken us this far.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I wanta see Jared find his family. I want to see Ms. Parker leave the Centre and join Jared.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I think there are infinite possibilities. Jared can do anything so it could go on forever. The support is great and we are very greatful and we thank you for keeping it going. The internet is a great example of direct marketing and it is wonderfully liberating.

tp_phil Andrea and michael : Why don't you have an official web site ?

guest_tnt2 Michael: There are so many wonderful websites, 100's that know more than I do, and I have never been one to, I am an actor that plays so many roles, I am a child of the 8 track and I think it is tremendous that the fans find the time to make websites for us, that have nothing to do with us.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: The make believe is better than my reality. It's better to tune in to findout what you wanta hear.

guest_tnt2 Michael: The websites donated to the show are unbelieveable.

nat_star_25 What is it like working with Jamie Denton?

guest_tnt2 Michael: The funless Mr. Lyle.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We all love each other and when we shot the movie we all went out together. We are such a diverse group and no one fights. We have the philosphy nobody goes to bed angry.

thimbleberry7 Michael, do you have a particularly favorite pretend that Jarod's done?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Did Jamie write in that last question?

guest_tnt2 Michael: My favorite pretend, I loved all of them, any time Ms. Parker can chase me in high heels I love it. That girl is unbelieveable.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: They are so high they are point shoes.

White_Stix Andrea, are you afraid of being typecast after playing such a strong, angry woman as Ms. Parker?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: No.

guest_tnt2 Michael: Andrea is the sweetest loveliest woman you would ever want to meet. She paid me $10 to say that.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Yeah exactly.

Chantal_fr Do you have any movie projects ?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I have a movie coming out opposite Snoop Dog, named Bones, I play a cop and he is about opposite Jared and he is mean and terrible and he just evil. So that for me is a lot of fun. Please watch for Bones, sometime in the summer or fall. If anyone likes Snoop Dog he is wonderful in it.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I also do the voice of Tarzan for Disney.

americandefense What are your favorite Shows/Movies?

guest_tnt2 Michael: WHen I am not working I love to read, I'm not much of a television guy. I like to read and hangout and look at the beach.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I like the political a nd economic shows.

connyxx Is it true, that the 2nd movie is already maked?

guest_tnt2 Michael: It is indeed. When we finish the photography of the movie it takes months for the magic to happen and get it ready for air.

boobootish For Michael and Andrea...Do you watch your own work?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I try not to.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: With my hands over my eyes.

guest_tnt2 Michael: Like watching a train wreck.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I can never enjoy my work.

linnaway Any funny stories from the set you wouldn't mind sharing?

guest_tnt2 Michael: How you voice is on an answering machine, that is what it is like to watch your own work.

guest_tnt2 100,000 times worse.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We just finished the 2nd movie and it was 30 below zero and the crew was out there and Andrea nd I are out in the snow in t-shirts, 18 hours, was very awful.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: We had a choice to laugh or cry.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: We are just such a motley crew, Johnny is you know is wheeling Dicky Marcus aroudn in the wheel chair, doing show tunes at the top of his lungs, Patrick is reading hte history of nuclear vision.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We have all seen Dick Marcus wearing leopard skin underwear.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: My only job in that scene was to keep a straight face and that was difficult.

attacking_killer_tomatoes If you could be a sandwiches, what sandwiches would you be?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I would be a love sandwich.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I don't know what I would be.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I would be a very big brautworst, vegetarian.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I thought you were going to say a footlong.

cassandra_blane Michael, are still heavily involved with environmental issues?

guest_tnt2 Michael: The environment to me is the only issue, the way we interact with the environment is the only way to be. I drive an electric car. My appliances are Star rating.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: He is the recycling person on the set.

guest_tnt2 Michael: If any one is interested they can log onto They are the best environmental organization around.

guest_tnt2 I strongly encourage you to get involved in your own backyard. Something local. Everything we do here affects the planet.

jarodlover87 If given the chance would you do another season of "Pretender"

guest_tnt2 Michael: Oh boy.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Definitely.

guest_tnt2 Michael: If you guys want more write letters and we will think about it.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: You would jump eagerly.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We do love the Pretender I will say that. I think you have to love what you are doing to have it show on the screen.

connyxx Andrea, what will you do after the pretender?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Well my possibilities are endless. I am looking forward to pilot season. I want to do voiceover work. I would like to get involve din features. I loved doing television. A nice commercial campaign would be nice.

guest_tnt2 I woulud run the artistic gamit.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We are not the characters that we play and Andrea is very good. I am a big fan.

antobastos Michael, do you do your own stunts?

guest_tnt2 Michael: Well I do as many stunts as I can do, but they don't allow us to do alot. They let us do some but we have a wonderful stunt team that makes us look much better than we could ever look.

B_twin_2 Andrea, how different has it been filming in the cold of Toronto compared to Los Angeles?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Oh brutal. It was intensely challenging for me.

guest_tnt2 I am a native California girl. It drops below 70 and give me a sweater.

guest_tnt2 i was not comfortable, I was pretty miserable in every exteior we did. They gave me longjohns, but it was very difficult, and thanks for asking.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I loved it. I love the cold.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: It was a little much for me.

guest_tnt2 michael: We shot in California, on an average day it was 100 degrees.

guest_tnt2 So big change.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: And they dress me so scantly, I didn't have the most appropriate wardrobe.

guest_tnt2 Michael: Scant is good.

elparsero52080 what kind of characters would you like to play as jarod that you havent done yet?

guest_tnt2 Michael: I would lot to play more characters that are not Jared and I would like to show people I can do other things, but there are a whole mird of roles; it is fun to play ahero and there are infinite things we can do if the show continues.

ozfemme19 Michael and Andrea, Would you want to meet up on another project?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Absolutely.

guest_tnt2 Michael: Oh yeah. We play enemies on T.V. but we have a lot of fun together. In the last movie we are on an island together. After 5 years its great to have such respect for each other. I don't think we would have the appeal on screen that we do if we didn't like each ohter.

hollyhv94 Do either of you play any tricks on each other while on the set movies?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: What about that flying piggy rope that I kept putting in your trailer.

guest_tnt2 Michael: This is not my robe. It kept ending up in my trailer and I would walk in and thereit was all the time.

luvmyjarod Whose idea was the PEZ, and do you really like it, Michael?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: I thought for sure you would wear it on the set one day.

guest_tnt2 Michael: The PEZ was born out of the pilot and I wanted something that Jared missed when he was a child, PEZ has show up in every episode. I am in the PEZ newsletter. I've gotten sent more than you can imagine.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I love them. I usually eat about a thousand and they come in their own packaging very enviornmentally sound. Environmental brillance.

guest_tnt2 I even gave Rosie O'Donnell one.

dawningice2000 So Andrea, you have always wanted to be an actress?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: No. Actually I was a professional dancer until I was 25.

guest_tnt2 I didn't discover acting until my early 20's but I have been performing as a dancer since I was 6 years old, so I am very comfortable in the lights.

msladybugs2001 What physical preparation is needed for the stunts and action scenes ?

guest_tnt2 Michael: My stunt double was Keanue Reeves in the Matrix, and they have been just teaching me moving, in the last 2 years we have been doing a lot of work and learning all the stuff you can do, I have learned so much.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: You take really good care of yourself and that helps.

guest_tnt2 Michael: We work long days and it is very hard to keep going if you don't take care of yourself.

scorpioleo1067 How closely do your characters resemble your own personality?

guest_tnt2 Andrea: That is complicated.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: In my darkest of hours I am Ms. Parker.

guest_tnt2 I take those particular aspects of my own personality to become Ms. Parker, but I don't live there all the time. Most of us act everyday.

guest_tnt2 We act with a stranger differently than we would from how we are with our family.

guest_tnt2 Ms. Parker and I are very much alike and then she is my anticipist.

guest_tnt2 Michael: Jared is a geniuse, so I am not. He is capable all the time. He is good at everything. And I am not. That has been fun about the character because I'm not perfect and he is.

frelling_dren What is your take on the relationship between Jarod and Miss Parker?

guest_tnt2 Michael: Well lets just say if you watch this movie and the next we get closer to resolving those unresolved feelings in very close proximity.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Michael is right on the money.

guest_tnt2 Michael: It will be juicy.

guest_tnt2 Michael: I just want to say thank you for all your support for all the years and we have created a loyal group that love what we do and please watch the shows and express your thoughts to the power that be; we love this stuff.

moderator_tnt1 Thank you Andrea and Michael. We really enjoyed chatting with you and would love to have you back another time. And thank all of you Pretender fans who joined us tonight. Turn on your tv's and get ready for the film you've been waiting for: THE PRETENDER 2001 will make its world premiere in just a few minutes.

guest_tnt2 Andrea: Thank you for the gift.

moderator_tnt4 Immediately following our chat, at 8 p.m. et, tune in for the world premiere of the movie you've been waiting for: THE PRETENDER 2001.




Vania's bookshelf: read

The Pretender - Rebirth
5 of 5 stars
After 12 years since we last saw these characters, The Pretender is reborn and brought to the present with a renewed strength and tenacity. Follow Jarod's quest for the truth and for the secret to his very existence, as he discovers the...

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